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Research Pages

We had to create these research pages at home. So I used Pixlr to create these research pages. I have used a range of colours and text to match the artists work

Critical Link

These are some critical links I have created based on David Carson's work. His work style is grunge with a lot of unique textures. He mainly uses cold colours and textured backgrounds.

Software I have used:

Adobe Photoshop

david carso THREE screen.jpg
david carson research screen.jpg
DAVID CARSON screen.jpg

David Carson Responses

Software I have used:

Adobe Photoshop

Paula Scher critical links

Paula Scher is a graphic typographer who creates posters with different styles of font and funky colours. Here I have created work like hers. I have used similar colours to Paula Schers artwork and similar typefaces.


Software I have used:


 Manchester Responses

Software I have used:

Adobe Photoshop

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